
A tableview datasource for ComponentKit. ComponentKit only provide datasource for collection view. This is an clone of CKCollectionViewTransactionalDataSource
with a slightly modification for cell updating animation.
License: MIT
ComponentSwift brings ComponentKit to swift.
ComponentKit is a react-inspired native view framework for iOS developed by Facebook. It intruduce a new abstract layer (component) to automatically handle view reuse, meanwhile provide the ability to build smooth list view easily.
ComponentSwift is an objc wrapper of ComponentKit and refined for swift. ComponentSwift is designed to be a subset of ComponentKit, implementing the most commonly used features.
License: MIT
A composite lib for viewing images. It have an CollectionView and cells, which should be used like any other collectionViews, which providing flexibilty.
License: MIT
A composite lib for viewing images. It have an CollectionView and cells, which should be used like any other collectionViews, which providing flexibilty.
License: MIT