Yagiz Gurgul



Bagel is a native iOS network sniffer. It's not a proxy debugger so you don't have to mess around with certificates, proxy settings etc. As long as your iOS devices and your Mac are in the same network, you can view the network traffic of your apps seperated by the devices.

License: Apache-2.0

  • Objective C


Shared source of Bagel (iOS, macOS).

License: MIT

  • Objective C


KeyboardDismisser is a little Swift 3.0 pod that adds a button that can dismiss keyboard. Button image, size and margin are all customizable.

License: MIT

  • Swift


Simple RSA encryption and decryption for iOS. These classes do not require OpenSSL to be built for iOS, you only need Security.framework. OpenSSL is needed to generate the key pairs, however, which you probably want to do on your Desktop machine. See below.

License: Custom

  • Objective C


ScreenshotSharer is a little Swift 3.0 pod that enables users to share a spesific part of view or whole screen when they took a screenshot. It's heavly inspired from Asos app and highly customizable.

License: MIT

  • Swift