Calvin Huang



Ease use, convenience and flexible carousel. You can build dynamic animated by using CHCarouselView.

License: MIT

  • Swift


Your counting only increase/decrease 1 progress per seconds? CHCountingLabel can counting value depends on bezier path. Use CHCountingLabel and make more fantasy effect to your app.

License: MIT

  • Swift


Provide Cubic Bezier Curve easing for animation(ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out or other custom curse). Implementation base on bezier-easing.

License: MIT

  • Swift


CHProgressSuit provides bundles of progess view for saving your time from wasting time to build these progress views.

License: MIT

  • Swift


When hidding the view, we expect the hidden view will not leave blank space. For example there are two views => :dog::smile::cat:, hide :smile: should be :dog::cat:␣ , however in iOS will be :dog:␣:cat:. Even view don't draw, auto layout will retain their frame. CHRealHideUIView help you hide views and will not leave blank space.

License: MIT

  • Swift