
An customizable action button subclassing UIView where the mainButton, itemButton, and animation can all be customized. Besides flexibility of customization, default settings and built-in functions also provide great usability of the pod.
License: MIT
A customized segment control sublassing UIControl where the view, titles of each segment and the indicator view can all be cutomized.
License: MIT
A customized tag view sublassing UIView where tag could be either with cancel button or seletable.
License: MIT
Apart from any kinds of ProgresHUDs that capture the whole screen and lock the user interaction, Progress provides a more precise and elegant progress indicator. Progress allows you to add any number/kinds of progressor views into each view with only one line of code. The progress indicator can be an arbitrary combination of built-in/custom progressors. Progress helps you provide a fluent user experience in your iOS application.
License: MIT