
Allows developers render blurred images in background. If you want your image view always be blurred, just use ABImageView instead of UIImageView.
License: MIT
Simply observe ViewModel changes by View layer using block-based syntax over vanilla Cocoa KVO. The main idea is to observe keypaths like this one - @keypath(self.viewModel.state) and not to unsubscribe.
License: MIT
is UICollectionViewLayout
subclass that implements tiled layout or
mosaic layout automagically adopted to any iPhone screen size.
Layout is column-based and inspired by lightbox layout.
License: MIT
NCController allows you to observe default's NSNotificationCenter notifications using blocks and do not care of unobservation.
Single class: MLWNCController
License: MIT
Allows you to overlap any possible UI elements like UILabels, UIButtons and even UIToolbars. Just create 2 views or both states and update overlap region from scrollViewDidScroll or panGestureHandler
License: MIT
RuntimeRoutines allows you to access classes, protocols, properties, methods, attrbutes and many other with block-based syntax.
License: MIT