Mitch Treece



Broadcast is a quick-and-dirty solution for instance syncing and property binding.

License: MIT

  • Swift


Bulletin is a customizable alert library that makes it incredibly easy to build highly-stylized alerts for your iOS app.

License: MIT

  • Swift


License: MIT


License: MIT


Eventful-Swift is a Swift library for lightweight event dispatching & handling. By conforming to the EventDispatcher protocol, a class or struct can define various events (via Event or EventRef) that can be listened for and reacted upon.

License: MIT

  • Swift


Jiffy makes working with animated images (.gif / .apng) a breeze. While there are a lot of libraries out there that accomplish something similar, most of them are usually plagued with un-needed features and performance issues. Jiffy aims to be a small & simple animated image library with little-to-no performance overhead.

License: MIT

  • Swift


Spider is an easy-to-use web framework built for speed & readability. Spider's modern syntax & response handling makes working with web services fun again.

License: MIT

  • Swift


Threader makes GCD calls easy to read & write. It also provides a simple way to execute code where and when you want.

License: MIT

  • Swift