Seivan Heidari

SHAccountManager is currently unmaintained and abanonded, please use 'pod SHOmniAuthTwitter' instead. More information at Get in touch if you need some help.
License: MIT
UIActionSheet buttons with blocks. Blocks are hold with a weak reference so you don't have to cleanup when your object is gone.
License: MIT
Allows you to style multiple custom Alerts via Storyboard, and assing them as controls to use through blocks. You can set Pixate style class to customize the look and feel for the buttons, background and the alert window.
License: MIT
UIAlertView buttons with blocks. Blocks are hold with a weak reference so you don't have to cleanup when your object is gone.
License: MIT
UIBarButtonItem events with blocks. Blocks are hold with a weak reference so you don't have to cleanup when your object is gone.
License: MIT
UIControl events with blocks. Blocks are hold with a weak reference so you don't have to cleanup when your object is gone.
License: MIT
NSFastEnumeration helpers and enumeration blocks through a protocol on foundation collection classes. Helpers for both keyed, index and unordered collection objects. Converting to other collection classes through dot notation. Block based callers for enumeration. Tested and ready.
TODO: NSIndexSet, NSMutableIndexSet and NSEnumerator.
License: MIT
Additional prefixed categories for Foundation framework without libffi with optional Swizzling (for KVO). Blocks are hold with a weak reference so you don't have to cleanup when your object is gone. Comes with tests.
Contains: * SHKeyValueObserverBlocks * SHFastEnumerationProtocols * SHObjectUserInfo * SHInvocation
Summary: * For Mac OSX >=8 and iOS >= 6. * Swizzle and junk free * No need to clean up after - The blocks are self maintained. * Blocks are referenced in a map with weak properties * Prefixed selectors. * Minimum clutter on top of the public interface. * No external dependencies * Lightweight * NO libffi
License: MIT
Making GKTurnBasedEventHandlerDelegate and authentication block based. New properties (as categories) for:
Auto loads images in a queue
Always fetches names and caches them before callback (can persist the cache)
Properties for most common scenarios
Making Game Center easier to work with.
License: MIT
Gesture Recognizers with blocks. Blocks are hold with a weak reference so you don't have to cleanup when your object is gone.
License: MIT
SHInvocation is a category on top of NSInvocation to allow executing selectors with multiple arguments.
License: MIT
Data-Bindings & Key Value Observing with blocks on top of NSObject. Blocks are hold with a weak reference so you don't have to cleanup when your object is gone. Optional Swizzling for automatic removal of blocks
License: MIT
License: MIT
License: MIT
SHObjectUserInfo is a category on top of NSObject to allow userInfo dictionary without the swizzling. It's built on top of NSMapTable that works with weakToWeak references between an object and its userInfo.
License: MIT
License: MIT
Do segueus with blocks without any swizzling or leaks. Blocks are hold with a weak reference so you don't have to cleanup when your vc is gone. Also implements userInfo mutableDictionary on UIViewController
License: MIT
License: MIT
SHTestCaseAdditions contains asynchronous helpers (as a prefixed category) to write tests in SentTest and/or XCTest for delayed callbacks, like network calls or alert views, action sheets. Prefixed category on SenTestCase and XCTestCase
* Swizzle and junk free
* Prefixed selectors.
* Works with both SentTest and/or XCTest
* For iOS and Mac OS
* Comes with tests and example.
License: MIT
Delegate callbacks via blocks. Blocks are hold with a weak reference so you don't have to cleanup when your object is gone.
License: MIT
Delegate callbacks via blocks. Blocks are hold with a weak reference so you don't have to cleanup when your object is gone.
License: MIT
License: MIT
Prefixed Blocks for UIKit on categories without libffi and swizzling. Blocks are hold with a weak reference so you don't have to cleanup when your object is gone. Comes with tests.
Contains: * SHAlertViewBlocks => UIAlertView * SHControlBlocks => UIControl * SHSegueBlocks => UIViewController * SHNavigationControllerBlocks => UINavigationController * SHWebViewBlocks => UIWebView * SHPopoverControllerBlocks => UIPopoverController * SHBarButtonItemBlocks => UIBarButtonItem * SHActionSheetBlocks => UIActionSheet * SHGestureRecognizerBlocks => UIGestureRecognizer * SHTextFieldBlocks => UITextField * SHTextViewBlocks => UITextView * SHTabBarControllerBlocks => UITabBarController * SHTransitionBlocks => UIViewController
Summary: * Swizzle and junk free * No need to clean up after - The blocks are self maintained. * Blocks are referenced in a map with weak properties * Prefixed selectors. * Minimum clutter on top of the public interface. * No external dependencies * Lightweight * NO libffi
License: MIT
License: MIT
I don't recomend using TWReverseAuth, please use 'pod SHOmniAuthTwitter' instead. More information at Get in touch if you need some help.
License: MIT
License: MIT