Anton Domashnev

ADFBRequestDialogViewController - view controller wrapper for Facebook requests dialog. With it you can customize top elements and present dialog whatever you want with iOS UIViewController custom transition.
License: MIT
ADMozaicCollectionViewLayout is yet another UICollectionViewLayout subclass that implements "brick" or "mozaic" layout.
License: MIT
ADTickerLabel An objective-c UIView which provide a mechanism to show numbers with rolling effect, like in counter.
License: MIT
This project provides an SDK for iOS. It allows use case categorisation, prioritisation and tokenization of payment instruments, which are retrieved using the user token created | Payleven
License: MIT
Inspired by Fabric - Answers animation. Allows to "build" given view with pieces. Allows to "destroy" given view into pieces.
License: MIT
A tool that brings meta-programming to Swift, allowing you to code generate Swift code. * Featuring daemon mode that allows you to write templates side-by-side with generated code. * Using SourceKit so you can scan your regular code.
License: MIT
Category for UIViewController with UIScrollView to scroll statusBar along any UIScrollView subclass.
License: MIT