Koji Murata

This pod is api client. This is type safe. This is easy to use with ObjectMapper and SwiftTask.
License: MIT
This pod is a pod to create a bug image. It is useful for creating a debugging library.
License: MIT
You can easily create a color picker with an original image on interface builder.
License: MIT
DebugHead is a pod for debug. It can present a view like Facebook chat head. When you tap it, it will open a debug menu. And, you can make plugin easy.
License: MIT
If you are using RealmSwift, you can browse and edit Realm database on this pod.
License: MIT
If you are using RealmSwift, you can browse and edit Realm database on this pod.
License: MIT
SwiftString is a lightweight string extension for Swift 3. This library was motivated by having to search StackOverflow for common string operations, and wanting them to be in one place with test coverage.
Note the original client side Swift 2 repo can be found here: https://github.com/amayne/SwiftString
License: MIT