Patrick Balestra

A customizable SpriteKit particles animation on the border of a view.
License: MIT
Regift helps you easily convert a video to a GIF on iOS. Create a gif from a given video URL, tweaking the frame count, delay time, and number of loops.
License: MIT
SquishButton responds to touches with a simple and nice animation. Customize the animation behavior and the button style as you wish.
License: MIT
ValueStepper is an improved replication of Apple's UIStepper object. The problem with UIStepper is that it doesn't display the value to the user. I was tired of creating a simple UILabel just to show the value in the UI. ValueStepper integrates the value in a UILabel between the increase and decrease buttons. It's as easy as that.
License: MIT
WhatsNew automatically displays a short description of the new features when users update your app. This is similar to what happens in Apple's apps like Pages, Numbers, Keynote, iMovie and TestFlight. Simply list your new features (with optional icons), customize the appeareance and when to show it (only on major updates for example).
License: MIT