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Vinculum is a simple wrapper around common iOS Keychain interactions.

Why name it vinculum?

Via WolframMathworld:

Vinculum is a horizontal line placed above multiple quantities to indicate that they form a unit.

Similarly, this library provides any developer (yes, that's you), the ability to group together passwords, access/identity tokens, PII, and other sensitive user data into a common (and secure) place. As a secure storage mechinism for iOS devices, Vinculum attempts to make access to and from the iOS Keychain as easy as possible.

How do you pronounce vinculum?

Got a macOS? Type the following in your terminal:

say vinculum


Vinculum is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Vinculum'

Write to the Keychain

let myKey = "mySecretKey"
let myValue = "HowNowBrownCow"

// Write a String to the Keychain
do {
  try Vinculum.set(key: myKey, value: myValue)
} catch let error {
  print("Error: \(error)")

// Write a misc object to the Keychain (must be converted to Data type)
if let myValueObj = .utf8) {
  do {
    try Vinculum.set(key: myKey, value: myValue)
  } catch let error {
    print("Error: \(error)")

Access Groups

It is simple to write a value to the keychain that is available to given Access Group.

// Write a String to the Keychain with the access group: com.example.mysite
do {
  try Vinculum.set(key: myKey, value: myValue, accessGroup: com.example.mysite)
} catch let error {
  print("Error: \(error)")


For ensure an item isn't stored inside of the Keychain forever, you set an expiration (in seconds). For example, if you're storing a JSON Web Token (jwt) or an access token - use the token's expires_in value:

do {
  try Vinculum.set(key: myKey, value: myToken, expiration: 60)
} catch let error {
  print("Error: \(error)")

Note: This feature is intended to be used only for short-duration tokens, as it requires the application to be in the forground.

Retrieve from the Keychain

if let item = try? Vinculum.get(myKey) {
  // item.key
  // item.value
  // item.expiration
  // item.accessGroup
  // item.accessibility

Delete from the Keychain

do {
  try Vinculum.remove(myKey)
} catch let error {
  print("Error: \(error)")


Vinculum is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


A simple iOS Keychain manager







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