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A simple image picker supported multiple selection.



  • Multiple selection
  • Gesture supported
  • Dark mode
  • Easy modification



pod 'FLImagePicker'

Swift Package Manager

dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "version-tag")


Basic Usage

let picker = FLImagePicker()
picker.imageDelegation = self
present(vc, animated: true, completion: nil)

You have to implement FLImagePickerDelegate to your viewController.


/* triggered by tap */
func flImagePicker(_ picker: FLImagePicker, singleAssetChanged imageAsset: PHAsset, isSelected: Bool)

/* triggered when pan over images, imageAssets show current selected items.*/    
func flImagePicker(_ picker: FLImagePicker, multiAssetsChanged imageAssets: [PHAsset], isSelected: Bool)

/* triggered when reach the maximum of the selection, imageAssets show current selected items.*/
func flImagePicker(_ picker: FLImagePicker, reachMaxSelected imageAssets: [PHAsset])

/* required at implement, call by finish pressed */
func flImagePicker(_ picker: FLImagePicker, didFinished imageAssets: [PHAsset])

/* call by cancel pressed*/
func flImagePicker(didCancelled picker: FLImagePicker)

Get Images

The results of picker are PHAsset format, you can use PHImageManager to get UIImage.

You can read this and this for more Info.

PHImageManager().requestImage(for: PHAsset(),
                                targetSize: PHImageManagerMaximumSize,
                                contentMode: .default,
                                options: nil){ (image, info) in
                                    // ...
                                    // deal with image
                                    // ...


Settings of FLImagePicker

// images
vc.maxPick = 10 // max selection
vc.numsOfRow = 3 // nums of images in each row

// scrolling
/// The max scrolling speed will be fps * ppm
/// ex. If ppm = 3, fps = 120
/// while reaching to max speed, it will be 3 * 120 = 360(pixel/sec)
vc.fps = 120 // update freq. of scrolling (times/ sec)
vc.ppm = 3 // pixels per move. 

// gesture
/// detectAreaHeight will are start from top and bottom.
/// -------------  
/// |     ^     |
/// |     |     |
/// |    200    |
/// |     |     |
/// |     ⌄     |
/// -------------
/// |           |  <- your phone
/// |           |
/// -------------
/// |     ^     |
/// |     |     |
/// |    200    |
/// |     |     |
/// |     ⌄     |
/// -------------
vc.detectAreaHeight = 200 // gesture detection range


// default, create FLImagePickerStyle and set vc'style to it.
var style = FLImagePickerStyle()

/* use FLDefaults to get default value */
// nav btn
style.btnColor = FLDefaults.Colors.primary

// selected cover
style.coverColor = FLDefaults.Colors.coverBackground

// check hinter
style.checkImage = FLDefaults.Images.checkImg
style.checkBorderColor = FLDefaults.Colors.checkBorderColor
style.checkBackgroundColor = FLDefaults.Colors.primary = style

Add done and cancel to your Localizable.strings for Nav Btn Localization.

Knowing Issue

  • Multi-selection won't be trigger if finger stop moving while scrolling (need to shake a little bit.)

Next feature

  • Photo preview


Allen Lee


This project is under MIT License.