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Configuration is a light framework which was designed to simplify the use of configuration in an application.

Because some people prefere to use UserDefaults, some other else prefere using a JSON file, and some data need to be extra secured by using Apple Keychain, you will probably find different way for defining configuration property in your iOS developer life.

Configuration will give you a abstraction layer from the configuration saving implementation by using generics and protocol programming.


Configuration is available through CocoaPods, Carthage and Swift Package Manager. Follow the steps belows.


To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Configuration"


To install it, simply add the following line to your Cartfile:

github 'vincentsaluzzo/Configuration'

Swift Package Manager

Add this package line dependcies inside your Package.swift file:

    .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),

How to use

Configuration itself is very light: two protocols. One for defining configuration propery and an other for defining configuration saving implementation. By default, Configuration have a built-in UserDefaults implementation.

To create configuration property, just create an enumeration like :

enum Configuration: String {
    case username
    case email

The configuration must conform to RawRepresentable protocol. In Swift, to do this on enum, you just have to type it, like with String in the above example.

Next, you need to add conformance for ConfigurationKey protocol on your enum :

extension Configuration: ConfigurationKey {
    var `protocol`: ConfigurationProtocol { 
        return UserDefaultsConfigurationsProtocol() 

Here we have used the UserDefaults built-in implementation.

And that's all, you havec Configuration-ready implementation.

Getting property

To get property, you simply need to use get() method on your property. By using generics, the decoded value type depends on the receiver type.

do {
    let currentUsername: String? = try Configuration.username.get()
} catch {
    // ... "oups"

A property couldn't exist in the application lifecycle, so be sure to add Optional type in receiver.

Because the property type aren't strongly defined, you need to encaspulate call in do-catch block.

Setting property

To set property, just use set(_:) method on your property. By using generics, like for getting, the encoded value depends on the value type provided.

do {
    try Configuration.username.set("vincentsaluzzo")
} catch {
    // ... "oups"

Remove property

To remove a property, you have to use set(_:) method on you property like for setting a new value to it but with a nil value.

do {
    try Configuration.username.set(nil as String?)
} catch {
    // ... "oups"

Add a new implementation protocol

Configuration have UserDefaults built-in protocol but if you want to create an another implementatio, you just need to create class which should conform to ConfigurationProtocol.

This protocol define two methods for getting and setting a new value to a property. For an example, go on the UserDefaultsConfigurationsProtocol.

After that, just return your new implementation protocol in protocol property of your configuration enum and that's all!



Configuration is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Manipulate settings in Swift with simplicity and a lot of possibilities







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