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A collection of UIKit, Foundation and other framework extensions that I usually use in my projects.



There's a bunch of utility properties accessible via the App struct.

Project name, version and build numbers:

print(App.bundleDisplayName)      // Your app's bundle display name
print(App.bundleName)             // Your app's bundle name
print(App.version)                // 1.0.0
print(App.buildNumber)            // 1
print(App.versionWithBuildNumber) // v1.0.0 (b1)

Runtime environment and configuration:

print(App.isDebug)              // true if Debug configuration is enabled
print(App.isRelease)            // true if Release configuration is enabled
print(App.isBeingTest)          // true if app is running in testing mode
print(App.isBeingUITested)      // true if app is running in UI testing mode
print(App.isRunningOnSimulator) // true if app is being run on the simulator
print(App.isRunningOnDevice)    // true if app is being run on a device

let delegate = App.delegete as! AppDelegate // A reference to the app delegate

Detect whether app has been launched before:

print(App.isFirstLaunch)                  // true if the app has never ran before on that device
print(App.isFirstLaunchForCurrentVersion) // true if the current version of the app has never run before

Array Extensions

Removes first occurence of an item from an array:

var array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 2]
array.removeObject(2) // [1, 3, 4, 2]

Remove all occurences of an item from an array:

var array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 2]
array.removeAllOccurencesOfObject(2) // [1, 3, 4]

Get all the indices where an object appears in the array

var array = ["iPhone", "iPhone", "iPad", "iPhone"]
print(array.indexesOf("iPhone")) // [0, 1, 3]
print(array.indicesOf("iPad")) // [2]

NSMutableAttributedString Extensions

Conveniently change the color of a substring which is part of an NSMutableAttributedString

let text = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "Hello I am a tomato!")
text.setColorForString("tomato", color: UIColor.redColor())

Dictionary Extensions

Check if a Dictionary contains a key:

let dict = ["Hodor": "dead", "John Snow": "resurrected", "Stanis Baratheon": "dead"]
dict.containsKey("Hodor") // true

UIColor Extensions

Convenience initialisers to work more easily with colors:

var blackColor = UIColor(hex: "#000", alpha: 1.0)     // black color
    blackColor = UIColor(hex: "#000000", alpha: 1.0)  // black color too

var whiteColor = UIColor(hex: "#FFF", alpha: 1.0)    // white color
    whiteColor = UIColor(hex: "#FFFFFF", alpha: 1.0) // white color too
let rgbWhiteColor = UIColor(r: 255.0, g: 255.0, b: 255.0)                        // white color using RGB values from 0 to 255
let rgbWhiteColorTransparent = UIColor(r: 255.0, g: 255.0, b: 255.0, alpha: 0.5) // alpha supported too

UIView Extensions

UIView size and origin:

let view = UIView()
print(view.x) // equal to view.frame.origin.x (also settable)
print(view.y) // equal to view.frame.origin.y (also settable)
print(view.width) // equal to view.frame.size.width (also settable)
print(view.height) // equal to view.frame.size.height (also settable)
print(view.leading // equal to view.frame.origin.x (also settable)
print(view.trailing) // equal to view.frame.origin.x + view.width (also settable)
print( // equal to view.frame.origin.y (also settable)
print(view.bottom) // equal to view.frame.origin.y + view.heigh (also settable)

Add borders and rounder corners to UIViews:

let view = UIView()
view.setCornerRadius(10.0) // changes view's corner raidus
view.addBorderWithWidth(1.0, andColor: UIColor.blackColor()) // Adds a 1px black border color
view.addTopBorderWithSize(1.0, andColor: UIColor.redColor()) // Adds a 1px red border on the top of the view
view.addBottomBorderWithSize(1.0, andColor: UIColor.greenColor()) // Adds a 1px green border color on the bottom of the view
view.addLeftBorderWithSize(1.0, andColor: UIColor.orangeColor()) // Adds a 1px orange color on the left of the view
view.addRightBorderWithSize(1.0, andColor: UIColor.yellowColor()) // Adds a 1px yellow color on the right of the view

Fade in/out a UIView:

let view = UIView()
view.alpha = 0
view.fadeIn() // Fades the view in
view.fadeOut() // Fades the view out

// Or more customizable
view.fadeIn(duration: 5, delay: 1) { animation in
    print("animation ended!")

UIViewController Extensions

Get a reference to app's delegate:

override func viewDidLoad() {
  let appDelegate = myVC.appDelegate as! AppDelegate


Get a reference to the navigation bar if any:

override func viewDidLoad() {
  self.navigationBar.tintColor = UIColor.blackColor()


Get or set the navigation bar titleView:

override func viewDidLoad() {
  self.titleView = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "logo))


Easily present new view controllers or dismiss self:

override func viewDidLoad() {
  let myVC = MyViewController()
  present(myVC)  // Presents myVC modally
  self.dismiss() // Dismisses self


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.



ATHExtensions is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "ATHExtensions"




ATHExtensions is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


A collection of useful extensions for Swift classes and utilities I use often in my projects







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