Tim Bodeit



Whenever a UITableViewCell is selected or highlighted, it automatically sets the backgroundColors of all its subviews to transparent. This makes sense for many views, such as UILabels to allow the selectedBackgroundView to show through inbetween the individual letters.

However with custom views, there are many cases where the backgroundColor should be maintained on selection of highlighting of the cell.

KeepBackgroundCell provides a way to turn of this transparency "feature" on individual UITableViewCells.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


NSNotificationCenter wrapper block support and automatic unregistering

License: MIT

  • Swift


NUI is a drop-in UI kit for iOS that lets you style UI elements using a stylesheet, similar to CSS. It lets you style an entire app in minutes.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


NUIParse is a fork of CoreParse, a parsing library for Mac OS X and iOS.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Essential components for the functional Swift programmer. Pipes, currying, function composition.

License: MIT

  • Swift


TextImageButton allows specifying spacing between image and title as well as the side to display the image on.

License: MIT

  • Swift