


CMLazyScrollViewController is a controller that I developped in first place to have an infinite carousel of images easily and that i don't have to redo it everytime. And I thought that it would be better than a basic carousel to have UIViewControllers instead of UIViews, to have more complex page. Also I choose to inherit from a UIViewController instead of a UIView because I wanted to be able to add childViewControllers

License: MIT

  • Swift


CMPageControl is a UIControl working like a UIPageControl but support horizontal vertical display and is customisable. Currently you can customize the borderWidth, the backgroundColor, the borderColor and an image if you want images instead of basic views

License: MIT

  • Swift


It's quite customizable for the line height, dots height and widht, the colors etc... There is also a delegate to know when someone click on a dot, for example to return to an old step

License: MIT

  • Objective C


You can customize for now the background color when selected or not. The border width and color. The width/height of the dot. If you want rounded or not.

License: MIT

  • Objective C