Romilson Nunes



Based on MBProgressHUD - is an iOS drop-in class that displays a translucent ActivityView with an indicator and/or labels while work is being done in a background thread. Can UIView category.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


RNLoadingButton offers alignment "loading" options, hide text or image while loading the animation is running.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


The activity state is configurable and can hide the image or text while the activity indicator is displaying . You can Also choose the position of easily activity indicator or Set It up with a spacing..

License: MIT

  • Swift


The activity state is configurable and can hide the image or text while the activity indicator is displaying . You can Also choose the position of easily activity indicator or Set It up with a spacing..

License: MIT

  • Swift


Easy to use and customizable messages/notifications for iOS applications. ToatView with gestures.

License: MIT

  • Swift