William Towe



Agamotto is an iOS/macOS/tvOS/watchOS framework that provides block based extensions to KVO and NSNotificationCenter. It supports removing the observations upon deallocation. It is based on a portion of the ReactiveCocoa Objective-C framework. It also provides a simplified version of RACCommand class, which can be assigned to various UI controls.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Baxter is a iOS/macOS/tvOS/watchOS framework that extends the CoreData framework. It provides methods to simplify fetching and importing.

License: Apache-2.0

  • Objective C


Repository for common iOS/OSX categories, classes, and functions.

License: BSD

  • Objective C


Ditko is an iOS/macOS/tvOS/watchOS framework that extends the AppKit, UIKit, and WatchKit frameworks. It includes macros, functions, categories and classes that accelerate common development tasks. For example, a category on UIColor and NSColor to quickly create instances given RBBA or HSBA components.

License: Apache-2.0

  • Objective C


Categories to Foundation and UIKit classes to make it easier to create UIImage instances from FontAwesome Unicode characters. The naming scheme mirrors the class names used on the FontAwesome cheat sheet page at http://fontawesome.io/cheatsheet/.

License: BSD

  • Objective C


KSOAnimation is a collection of animations and transitions that extend the UIKit framework. They facilitate custom presentation and dismissal animations.

License: Apache-2.0

  • Objective C


KSOFileMagic is a iOS/macOS wrapper around the Darwin file command, which can identify files by examing their contents. This can be used to identify a file without a file extension or raw data from the network when a MIME type is not provided. It prefers to use the UTType family of functions to determine types, but will examine the file contents directly if a file extension is not provided or when examining NSData instances.

License: BSD

  • C


A collection of categories on NSString, UIFont, NSFont, NSImage, and UIImage to make creation of images using the Font Awesome font easier. Support is provided for iOS/macOS/tvOS/watchOS.

License: Apache-2.0

  • Objective C


KSOForm is a iOS framework for creating Settings app like views. It manages displaying the form and automatically updating the display in response to changes to the model classes.

License: Apache-2.0

  • Objective C


KSOMediaPicker is an iOS/tvOS framework that provides UI to access the Photos framework. It provides similar functionality to UIImagePickerController on iOS and a custom implementation on tvOS. On iOS it uses FLAnimatedImage to support playback of GIFs within the asset collection view. It also supports playback of video assets while selected in the asset collection view.

License: Apache-2.0

  • Objective C


KSOTextInputEditTextField is a KDITextField subclass that adds a floating label and styling comparable to the TextInputEditText UI Component found in Android Material Design. https://material.io/guidelines/components/text-fields.html#text-fields-field-types

License: BSD

  • Objective C


KSOTextValidation is an iOS/tvOS framework for as the user types validation of textual input in UITextField. It provides a category method on UITextField and a protocol for objects conforming to the necessary text validation methods.

License: Apache-2.0

  • Objective C


KSOThumbnailKit contains classes used to generate and cache thumbnail images from a variety of source URLs. Support is provided for images, movies, pdfs, html, plain text, rtf and a variety of other formats. Some formats are not supported on tvOS because the WebKit framework is not available on that platform.

License: Apache-2.0

  • Objective C


KSOToken is a UITextView subclass that provides functionality similar to NSTokenField on macOS. It displays token using the NSTextAttachment class. It provides completion support and the appearance of various components (UITextView, UITableViewCell, NSTextAttachment) can be customized.

License: Apache-2.0

  • Objective C


KSOTooltip is an iOS framework for displaying informational tooltips modally. It can display instances of NSString and NSAttributedString, with or without an arrow and with an optional accessory view displayed below the text.

License: Apache-2.0

  • Objective C


KSOWebKit is a wrapper for various WebKit classes. It displays a progress interface embedded in the navigation bar and provides delegate methods to control which requests are loaded.

License: BSD-2-Clause

  • Objective C


Loki is an iOS/macOS/tvOS/watchOS framework for manipulating UIImage/NSImage. Methods are provided to resize, blur, adjust contrast, brightness, or saturation. A limited subset of methods are provided on watchOS.

License: Apache-2.0

  • Objective C


Fork of MagicKit with fixes for errors and warnings present in later versions of Clang

License: MIT

  • C


Convenience methods for fetch requests, saving recursively, and importing from or converting to/from JSON sources are included.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


The major Foundation classes are covered, including NSArray/NSMutableArray, NSBundle, NSData, NSDate, NSFileManager, NSObject, NSSet, NSString, and NSURL. Unit tests are included for non-trivial methods.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


This library contains a number of useful categories on UIColor, UIFont, UIImage, UITableViewCell, and UIView.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


A collection of classes that extend the Foundation collection classes with functionality found in functional languages (e.g. Haskell). Examples include: map, filter, find, fold, zip, unzip, and concat. Compatible with iOS/OSX, 7.0+/10.9+.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


A collection of classes that extend the UIKit framework, built on top of ReactiveCocoa.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


A framework for generating thumbnails from urls, both local and remote. Compatible with iOS/OSX, 7.0+/10.9+.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Quicksilver is an iOS/macOS/tvOS/watchOS framework that extends the collection classes (NSArray,NSSet,NSOrderedSet,NSDictionary, and NSString) and makes them easier to work with. The added methods are modeled after the related list functions (map,filter,reduce, etc.) in Haskell.

License: Apache-2.0

  • Objective C


Shield is an iOS/macOS/tvOS framework that wraps various authorization APIs (e.g. camera, photo, location). The majority of the wrapped APIs are for iOS, with a few cross platform available on macOS and tvOS as well. Subspecs are provided for each individual set of wrapped APIs.

License: Apache-2.0

  • Objective C


Stanley is an iOS/macOS/tvOS/watchOS framework that extends the Foundation framework. It includes a number of macros, functions, categories and classes that make repetitive tasks easier. It provides a localized phone number formatter. It also provides a wrapper around the SCNetworkReachability APIs, KSTReachabilityManager.

License: Apache-2.0

  • Objective C