


Concurrency is a simple but handy toolkit for dealing with asynchronous code in Swift. My goal is to simplify how asynchronous code is performed, and provide the cleanest, leanest interfaces for accomplishing that. Tags: Promise, Future, Deferred, Result, generics, RxSwift, Concurrency, asynchronous, async

License: MIT

  • Swift


JHHelpers is a library of helper classes and objects I've created while building iOS / Objective-C apps, and includeds a toolkit for doing everything from sanitizing data, to mapping and transforming data structures, to working with promises. I've also included the a handy ruby Rakefile I've built for handling all the mundane tasks you do constantly as an Objective-C developer. Tags: KSPromise, map, filter, JSON, data, NSArray, NSDictionary, NSError, mapFilter, Objective-C, ObjC, promise, deferred, Rakefile, rake, sort, import

License: MIT

  • Objective C