


Produces a curried version of almost any other function. Just wrap your function in a single call ‘curry(myFunction)’ and the result will be a curried version of your original. A useful tool for working with parser combinators and other functional programming work. Currently supports up to 14 parameters. Pull requests for improvements are welcome.

License: MIT

  • Swift


A simple parser combinator, created in Swift. Functional parser combinators can be extremely useful but can also be difficult to understand. ParserCombinator attempts to strip this back and create a simple and user friendly way to parse strings into other objects. Technical terms, like mooned, are avoided or explained if necessary and docs are provided in plain English, with examples.

License: MIT

  • Swift


A simple way to parse Portable Game Notation into Swift objects. Easily parse game strings into Swift objects with just a single call. More work is required to fully suppourt the format. Pull requests for improvements are welcome.

License: MIT

  • Swift