Andrzej Michnia



Allows composiitons of custom cells (foregorund and background) into one sliding cell, with anything in the drawer part. It also provides easy way (just connect an outlet), to have drawer and feoreground 3D transformation effect - clean an modern.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


Customizable checkmark button view. Allows to easily animate between states, with optional intermediate Spinning state - if you want to beautifully morph betweeen two states, but need to wait for API in between. Clean and moder look, along with being easy-to-use.

License: MIT

  • Swift


A delightful iOS to watchOS communication framework, based on WatchConnectivity framework's WCSession.

Utilizes Wormhole concept, that simplifies data sync between iOS and watch devices. Also, provides set of handful protocols, allowing to create easily synchronized custom model classes.

Some of the features: - start listeners, waiting for given communication message identifiers - send simple messages - send every object, that can be represented as Data - request any object from counterpart app, be sending a message and specifying success handler - all public api wrapped in convenient promises implementation (BrightFutures)

Must to have for watchOS development.

License: MIT

  • Swift