Dave Lyon



CheatCodes is a drop in tool to enable some basic debugging functionality in the simulator by using UIKeyCommand.

Currently, it ships with the following already available:


Available Cheat Codes:

⌘ + ⇧ + ^ + ↓: Trigger restorable state preservation ⇧ + ^ + d: Print documents directory path ⇧ + ^ + e: Re-enable user interaction ⌘ + ⌥ + f: Reset all first run screens ⇧ + ^ + g: Log in a default user account ⇧ + ^ + h: Print the list of available commands ⇧ + ^ + i: Print general device info ⇧ + ^ + l: Print autolayout backtrace ⇧ + ^ + o: Print the current trait collection (for the main window) ⇧ + ^ + t: Cycle tintAdjustmentMode ⇧ + ^ + u: Print user defaults ```

License: MIT

  • Swift