Andrew Sowers



ASUserDefaults is an NSUserDefaults wrapper written for Swift 2.0. You may be asking yourself the following question: "why does NSUserDefaults need a wrapper?" While NSUserDefaults is already a simple to use API, I found myself still occasionally needing to look up the documentation for it. What ASUserDefaults aims to do is simplify your NSUserDefaults flow by simply calling a Save and Load method on the ASUserDefaults shared manager (singleton) class. Beyond this simplification, ASUserDefaults offers a delegate that notifys delegators of when an object is being saved/loaded and its key. The ASUserDefaults pod project includes an example project and tests. Feel free to offer a PR or comment on whether you think this project is useful or not.


License: MIT

  • Swift


The purpose of notify is to present addressable notification to your users within your app. Examples might include asking users to address permissions or whether they've seen some information relevant to them. Notifications support enqueuing and are presented in a FIFO order. Basic features include styling your notifications and the ability to show or hide the status bar.

License: MIT

  • Swift