Lammert Westerhoff



At the moment of creating this library (June 2016) there is no watchos support for the Google Analytics library. To still be able to send your analytics to Google or any other analytics service this library provides an interface that can be used by watchos apps. It uses the WatchConnectivity framework under the hood to first send analytics requests from the Watch app to the iPhone app. Then it's send automatically from the iPhone app to the analytics service.

License: MIT

  • Swift


BoxesView is a UIView that lays out subviews as boxes, much like a simplified version of a UICollectionView

License: MIT

  • Swift


BrightnessToggle lets you toggle between maximum screen brightness and back.

License: MIT

  • Swift


Dynamic is a lightweight reactive binding object.

License: MIT

  • Swift


This library consists of two components that can be used on it's own or together. One is a swipeable month picker and the other is a paging calendar date picker showing one month on each page. The month picker can be used as navigation header for the calendar date picker.

License: MIT

  • Swift


An SDWebImage extension to use it with PromiseKit

License: MIT

  • Swift