Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Adheres to Semantic Versioning.
1.0.8 (11-21-2017)
- Douglas Peucker algorithm for geometry simplification
1.0.7 (06-13-2017)
- Shortcut default initializers for Geometry objects without z or m values
- Geometry utilities including centroid, minimize for antimeridian support, and normalize
- Geometry mutable copying support (NSMutableCopying)
- Geometry encoding & decoding support (NSCoding)
1.0.6 (03-18-2016)
- Adding Geometry JSON Compatible utility to the bridging header
1.0.5 (03-17-2016)
- Geometry JSON compatible object utility
1.0.4 (02-08-2016)
- Removed CFBundleExecutable key from bundle
1.0.3 (11-23-2015)
- Bridging Header for Swift
1.0.2 (11-12-2015)
- Added tests
- Minor podspec updates
1.0.1 (11-04-2015)
1.0.0 (10-27-2015)