4.12.1 - 04/07/2023

[IMPROVE] Added updatePostbackConversionValue with lockWindow paramater.

4.12.0 - 05/06/2023

[CHANGE] Disabled bitcode support and removed i386 and armv7 architectures. Apple deprecates bitcode with Xcode14:
[CHANGE] XCode14.1+ required:
[CHANGE] Updated iOS deployment target to iOS 11. Supported in devices with iOS 11+.
[IMPROVE] SDK sizes decreased from ~14mb to ~4mb
[IMPROVE] Support title in push notifications.
[FIX] Some deep links within StartViews are executed before the startview is closed, causing overlapping ViewControllers.
[NEW] Support for SKAdNetwork 4.

4.11.4 - 23/03/2023

[FIX] Sometimes the strip is hidden when the view controller is dismissed. The strip is now displayed on all view controllers.
[NEW] closeStrip method has also been added to give you the freedom to close the strip whenever you want.

4.11.3 - 17/01/2023

[REMOVE] Removed support for Apple Search Ads iAd.framework. Only for iOS < 14.3, from version 4.10.2 AdService.framework is used.

4.11.2 - 15/11/2022

[NEW] Close webview from web with deeplink ://startview/close.
[FIX] Fixed bug added in 4.11.1, startview and adball with rules don't work correctly.

4.11.1 - 20/10/2022

[FIX] Fixed StartView some times crashes when is inited outside the main thread.
[FIX] Fixed crash whit nil dates in attribution process.

4.11.0 - 05/05/2022

[NEW] Click types for inapp communications Adball and StartView

4.10.3 - 24/03/2022

[FIX] Fixed coupon end date not showing.

4.10.2 - 03/03/2022

[FIX] Fixed critical crash produced in production only with app with SDK started and request ASA atribution. Versions 4.10.0 and 4.10.1 have been deleted due to affection.

4.10.1 - 07/02/2022 [deleted version]

[FIX] Fixed Apple Attribution with AdServices.framework. On iOS 14.3 to 14.8.1 it could produced a hang.

4.10.0 - 20/01/2022 [deleted version]

[NEW] Notifications with action buttons

4.9.3 - 07/10/2021

[FIX] Fixed problem banner dismiss root viewcontregllar and minor bugs

4.9.2 - 27/04/2021

[FIX] In early versions of iOS 14 sometimes the IDFA was not obtained correctly
[FIX] Fixed bug customerId in purchases added in version 4.9.0

4.9.1 - 18/03/2021

[FIX] Fixed EMMAEventRequest as optional when instantiating

4.9.0 - 13/03/2021

[CHANGE] Changed deployment target to iOS 9
[NEW] SDK partial rewritten in Swift lenguage. The API has been adpated.
[NEW] SDK reescrito parcialmente en swift. Se han adaptado varias api's para ser mas convenientes en el lenguaje swift.
[REMOVE] Removed method +(void)startSession:(NSString*)appKey withOptions:(NSDictionary*)launchOptions __attribute__((deprecated("Use startSession without options")));
[REMOVE] Removed method +(void) startPushSystem: (NSDictionary*) launchOptions __attribute__((deprecated("Use startPushSystem without parameters")));
[REMOVE] Removed method +(void)startOrder:(NSString*)orderId customerId:(NSString*)customerId totalPrice:(float)totalPrice coupon:(NSString*)coupon; [REMOVE] Removed method +(void)registerUser:(NSString*)userId forMail: (NSString*)mail; and replaced by optionals.
[REMOVE] Removed method +(void)loginUser:(NSString*)userId forMail:(NSString*)mail; and replaced by optionals.
[REMOVE]Removed method +(void)addProduct:(NSString*)productId name:(NSString*)name qty:(float)qty price:(float)price;
[REMOVE] Removed method +(void)addRateAlertForAppStoreURL:(NSString*)appStoreURL;
[REMOVE] Removed method+(void) setRateAlertFreq: (int) hours;
[REMOVE] Removed method+(void) setRateAlertTitle: (NSString*) title;
[REMOVE] Removed method +(void) setRateAlertMessage: (NSString*) message;
[REMOVE] Removed method +(void) setRateAlertCancelButton: (NSString*)>cancelButtonText;
[REMOVE] Removed method +(void) setRateAlertRateItButton: (NSString*) rateItButtonText;
[REMOVE] Removed method+(void) setRateAlertLaterButton: (NSString*) laterButtonText;
[REMOVE] Removed method +(void) setRateAlertShowAfterUpdate:(BOOL) showAlert;
[RENAME] Renamed method EMMA.add(inAppDelegate: self) to EMMA.addInAppDelegate(delegate: self)
[RENAME] Renamed method EMMA.trackEvent(eventRequest) to EMMA.trackEvent(request: eventRequest)
[RENAME] Renamed method EMMA.handleLink(url)to EMMA.handleLink(url: url)
[RENAME] Renamed method EMMA.handlePush(userInfo) to EMMA.handleLink(userInfo: userInfo)
[RENAME] Renamed method EMMA.openNativeAd(nativeAdCampaignId: campaignId) to EMMA.opeNativeAd(campaignId: campaignId)

[NEW] New method to add inapp plugins

4.8.1 - 07/01/2021

[FIX] Fixed crash "Collection was mutated while being enumerated" in campaign controller
[FIX] Minor bugs fixed

4.8.0 - 12/11/2020

[IMPROVE] Changes on device ids management
[NEW] Method to request IDFA (iOS 14)
[NEW] New method to update customer id without login or register user
[FIX] Fixed minor bugs and improves

4.6.7 - 11/09/2020

[FIX] Fixed crash tracking some screens with auto event

4.6.6 - 23/07/2020

[FIX] This version fixes a crash introduced in 4.6.5

4.6.5 - 23/07/2020

[IMPROVE] Inapp delegate callbacks are saved by instance.

4.6.4 - 01/07/2020

[NEW] New method to obtain deviceId

4.6.3 - 28/05/2020

[FIX] Fixed campaign params in rules

4.6.2 - 07/04/2020

[NEW] Click params for install attribution campaigns
[FIX] Minor bugs

4.6.1 - 30/03/2020

[FIX] Fixed the error that caused the device info not to be saved

4.6.0 - 27/02/2020

[NEW] Params for campaigns in EMMAInAppMessageDelegate
[FIX] Startview button sometimes not close
[FIX] Minor bugs

4.5.2 - 09/10/2019

Important update for iOS 13 support. Changes in the method of getting push tokens.

[IMPROVE] iOS 13 and xcode 11 adaptation
[IMPROVE] strip for iphone X series and iphone 11 / 11 pro
[FIX] Minor bugs

4.5.1 - 31/05/2019

[NEW] New method to start session in background
[FIX] Fixed the bug that caused the button to appear on startviews that could not be closed
[FIX] Minor bugs fixed

4.5.0 - 25/03/2019

[IMPROVE] improves in push notifications
[FIX] Fixed problem in Short Url Attribution
[FIX] Fixed redimension problem in animated gifs for banner
[FIX] Minor bugs

4.4.1 - 11/12/2018

[FIX] Native Ad request callback

4.4.0 - 04/12/2018

[NEW] New listener for check request status (inapp and event)
[IMPROVE] Changes on inapp and event requests
[FIX] Fixed bug that caused the method getUserInfo doesn't return data
[FIX] Fixed minor bugs

4.3.1 - 08/11/2018

[IMPROVE] Performance improvements on requests pool

4.3.0 - 07/11/2018

[NEW] Support for short powlink urls
[NEW] Support to get install attribution info
[FIX] Location changes
[FIX] Fixed minor bugs

4.2.13 - 17/09/2018

[NEW] Apple Search Ads attribution

4.2.12 - 20/08/2018

[FIX] Solved crash that occurs due to memory leak in auto events

4.2.11 - 01/08/2018

[FIX] Banner shown time
[NEW] Retargeting params

4.2.10 - 05/05/2018

[FIX] Native ad frecuency crash
[FIX] Minor bugs fixed

4.2.9 - 31/05/2018

[NEW] Unique click retargeting (retargeting 2).

4.2.8 - 24/05/2018

[NEW] Enable/disable track screen events.

4.2.7 - 23/05/2018

[IMPROVE] GDPR adaptation.

4.2.6 - 18/04/2018

[IMPROVE] Changes for new AdWords API

4.2.5 - 27/02/2018

[NEW] Multiple Native Ad for a unique template id
[FIX] Multiples bugs fixed

4.2.4 - 21/02/2018

[FIX] Fixed banner in scroll screen

4.2.3 - 19/01/2018

[FIX] Fixed bug that performs multiples calls when session isn't started

4.2.2 - 10/01/2018

[NEW] New feature Re-Targeting
[IMPROVE] In-app communications improves
[FIX] Fixed deeplink on Dynamic Tab
[FIX] Minor bugs fixes

4.2.1 - 26/12/2017

[IMPROVE] Changed the design of StartView close button
[FIX] Minor bugs fixed

4.2.0 - 29/10/2017

[IMPROVE] StartView performance
[FIX] Bugs fixed

4.1.3 - 08/10/2017

[FIX] Multiples bugs fixed

4.1.2 - 15/09/2017

[FIX] Fix crash updating version.

4.1.1 - 15/09/2017

[FIX] Bitcode support

4.1.0 - 12/09/2017

[NEW] Native Ads
[NEW] Automated tracking events
[NEW] Modern method structure
[IMPROVE] AdBall positioning & performance
[IMPROVE] Rules: Automatic push now with Deeplinks
[IMPROVE] Behavior & metrics in Messages
[FIX] Bugs fixing - 11/08/2017

[NEW] Bitcode support

4.0.6 - 29/06/2017

[FIX] Fix iOS 8 crash at start session.
[IMPROVE] Several improvements.

4.0.2 - 04/05/2017

[IMPROVE] Improvements on deeplink performance.

4.0.1 - 03/05/2017

[FIX] Fixed crash push with deeplink.

4.0.0 - 28/04/2017

[NEW] Rules support
[NEW] Event attribute support
[NEW] Swift support
[NEW] SDK now distributed as framework
[IMPROVE] Banner now uses full screen width
[CHANGE] Changed header name to #import <EMMA_iOS/eMMa.h>

3.1.9 - 22/02/2017

[IMPROVE] AdBall usability improved. Now AdBall close with a touch out of creativity. [FIX] Bug fix with startview.

3.1.8 - 06/02/2017

[NEW] Added method [eMMa isAdBallShowing] to check if AdBall is on screen. - 31/01/2017

[FIX] Bug fixed when showing Stripe.

3.1.7 - 25/01/2017

[NEW] Added method [eMMa setWhitelist:(NSArray*)urls] to limit urls that will be opened by Webviews.
[NEW] In-App communications can open deeplinks. - 12/07/2016

[NEW] Added method [eMMa setAPIeMMaURL:(NSString*) url] to configure a proxy url.

3.1.6 - 12/07/2016

[NEW] Added banner callback:
[eMMa checkForBannerOnViewController:(UIViewController*)viewController withBlock:(eMMaOnBannerShow)onBannerBlock] [eMMa checkForBannerOnViewcontroller:(UIViewController*)viewController withLabel:(NSString*)label andBlock:(eMMaOnBannerShow)onBannerBlock]
Add timezone name in communications with EMMA servers. - 08/06/2016

Bug fixed with cookie in SDK web. - 06/06/2016

Bug fixed when sync with SDK web. - 18/05/2016

Improve startSession and startPushSystem. - 17/05/2016

Allow push notification permission in anywhere inside app.

3.1.5 - 03/05/2016

Added CocoaPods Service.
Bugs fixed.

3.1.4 - 06/04/2016

3.1.3 - 15/03/2016 - 14/03/2016

3.1.2 - 14/03/2016