- feature Updated for Swift 5
- improvement UIView+Constraints.swift now supports UILayoutPriority
- improvement Added more devices to Device
- feature Migrated to Swift 4.2
- feature Added Double+TimeInterval extension
- feature Added a function to initialize a UIView from a nib
- feature Exposing the UIImage(from: UIColor) extension
- feature Added BundleIdentifier to Application struct
- feature Added a new UIImage+Color extension implementing generating an image with just one plain color
- improvement Added more devices to Device
- improvement Setting the AsyncViewController views backgroundcolor to be white per default
- changed Deprecating and renaming the bool.random function here in bytes
- feature Added a function to render a UIView into a UIImage.
- feature Added a function do calculate the difference between two dictionaries.
- feature Added function to get a queryItem from a url where the name matches a string.
- feature Added random property to every Collection and NSArray.
- feature Added function to shuffle an Array/NSArray.
- improvement The constraint helper now returns a discardableResult that is the constriaint that has been set.
- improvement The AsyncViewController will now take over the rightBarButtonItems from its contentViewController
- improvement The AsyncViewController will now cancel the current loading if it is deallocated.
- improvement Added support for iOS 8.2
- bugfix Exposed UIColor hex convenience initializer
- bugfix UIViewController addChildViewController extension will now call didMoveToParentViewController in the correct order
- feature Added AsyncViewController
- feature Added RemoteSettings to fetch and store remote configurations
- feature Added SemanticVersion support
- feature ByteCountFormatter extension with default count styles
- feature DateComponentsFormatter extension with multiple display types for a time
- feature Moved UIApplication and UIDevice extensions into their own structs
- feature NumberFormatter extension with fractionDigits
- feature String extension for generating hashes of a string
- feature UIViewController extension for adding an child view with constrained edges
- feature URL extension for handling query parameter
- feature UIColor extension that allows initializing from a hex string
- feature UIColor extension that allows setting color-channel values
- feature IconFont; A class that helps handling icon fonts.
- feature DateFormatter extension with formatters for common tasks
- feature UIApplication extension for several properties such as
and bundleVersion
- feature UIDevice extension with
, humanReadablePlatformName
and osVersion
- feature UIImage extension to rotate and flip an existing image
- feature DiscardTouchView aka MCHammerView
- feature UIView extension for easier constraint manipulation
- feature
for simple UITableView datasources