bugfix Fixed a crash when sharing the log on the iPad
1.4 (15.11.2016)
feature Overriding TBODeveloperOverlayNSUserDefaultsDatasource and isEditableForIndexPath: enables editable NSUserDefaults
feature added with TBODeveloperOverlayKeyValueItem and TBODeveloperOverlayKeyValueItem an easier way to configure a TBODeveloperOverlayKVDebugger
improvement the Logger will no longer only show half of a log message when the message contains a linebreak (check TBODeveloperOverlayFilterableLogFormatterProtocol-logMessageRegularExpression)
1.3.1 (28.06.2016)
bugfix: loading the xibs embedded in the Pod now works properly: TBODeveloperOverlayLogger and KeyValueDebuggerDetailViewController did not load the xib
fix: TBODeveloperOverlayKVDebuggerDatasourceProtocol -titleForSection: now really is optional