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What is it?

QuickSheet is a wrapper for UIViewController to handle bottom sheet presentation (a.k.a pop-ups) with low code footprint and a high degree of customisation.

Why do you need it?

Bottom Sheet / Pop-up view presentation in iOS is only available (natively) in iOS 15 with limited functionality that's only expanded upon in iOS 16. Attempting to replicate the effect in prior versions of iOS could include adding multiple modifications to how you build your views and view controllers that might make it more difficult to migrate to the native soultion when it hits the mainstream especially in large scale applications.

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You can present the target view controller without any modifications to it by calling self.presentQuickSheet method with the standard options

self.presentQuickSheet(targetVC, options: .standard)

You can customise the standard options at the app delegate after the app launch

    func application(_ application: UIApplication,
    didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        QuickSheetOptions.standard = QuickSheetOptions(
                                    fraction: 0.75,
                                    presentationStyle: .regular,
                                    cornerRadius: 10,
                                    blurEffect: .regular,
                                    shadowStyle: .standard
        return true

Most of the settings you'd only need to change once. only the fraction and the presentation style depend on what kind of view you're presenting. So, now you have direct access to them without needing to create a custom options object to modify one or two parameters.

self.presentQuickSheet(targetVC, fraction: 0.5)
self.presentQuickSheet(targetVC, fraction: 0.5, presentationStyle: .scrollable)


You can customise the presentation by creating a new options constant

let customOptions = QuickSheetOptions(fraction: 0.3,
                                      presentationStyle: .expandable,
                                      cornerRadius: 10,
                                      blurEffect: .systemMaterial,
                                      shadowStyle: .standard)
self.presentQuickSheet(targetVC, options: customOptions)

Here's how you can use QuickSheetOptions to customise your pop-up

  • fraction: Represents the height of the sheet as a percentage of the screen height
  • presentationStyle: The sheet's presentation style; regular, expandable or scrollable.
  • cornerRadius: Changing this value determines the radius of the top left and right corners
  • blurEffect: Choose a background effect from a system-defined list UIBlurEffect.Style. Setting this to nil removes the blur effect and replaces it with a 75% opaque black background
  • shadowStyle: Determines the shadow style of the pop-up. Set to .standard to use the default configuration or create your own QuickSheetOptions.ShadowStyle constant as follows
let shadowStyle = QuickSheetOptions.ShadowStyle(shadowRadius: 10.0,
                                                shadowColor: .black,
                                                shadowOpacity: 0.25)


  • You can view the QuickSheet demo here
  • To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


QuickSheet is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'QuickSheet'

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QuickSheet is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


A small third-party library that brings back bottom sheet capabilities to older versions of iOS (13.0+) with additional customizations and low code footprint








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