
Updated with Combine functions

iOS deployment target raised to iOS 11

Refactored network and web service architecture

Reorganized project files

Supports Swift Package Manager


Updated for Swift 5

Using Swift Result

Made HTTPError an Enum


Update web services that use IDs to accept Ints, and create new web service functions that accept Strings

Add a ResourceService to fetch resources from PKMAPIResource or PKMNamedAPIResource, moved from the UtilityService

Add documentation and more examples


Fork of ContinuousLearning/PokemonKit

Removed third-party frameworks: Alamofire, ObjectMapping, and PromiseKit

Updated for Swift 4.2

Built a native networking solution with pagination support

Organized classes into multiple files and created a PokemonAPI class to organize web service classes


Remove PromiseKit, Added Carthage Support

Now error will become onError


Inital Release