Change Log

All notable changes to GestureRecognizerClosures will be documented in this file.

GestureRecognizerClosures adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Release Summary

5.0.0 - Swift 5 support

Released on 2019-04-06

4.1.0 - Swift 4.2 support

Released on 2018-09-18

4.0.0 - Swift 4 support

Released on 2017-10-11

Updated to support Swift 3.1

3.1.0 - Swift 3.1 support

Released on 2017-03-30

Updated to support Swift 3.1

3.0.0 - Swift 3 support

Released on 2016-09-16

Updated code to Swift 3 syntax.

Breaking Changes

2.3.0 - Closure support for UIControl

Released on 2016-02-22

Allows a specified closure to be invoked for particular UIControlEvents on a UIControl.


2.2.0 - Closure support for UIBarButtonItem

Released on 2016-02-14

Allows a specified closure to be invoked when a UIBarButtonItem is selected.


2.1.0 - Closure support for UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer

Released 2016-02-2

Allows a specified closure to be invoked when a UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer is recognized.


2.0.0 - Swift 2 and Xcode 7

Released 2015-09-16

Updated code to Swift 2 syntax.

Breaking Changes

1.1.0 - UIView convenience functions to add closure UIGestureRecognizers

Released 2015-09-16

Provides a convenient way to add closure UIGestureRecognizers to a UIView.


1.0.0 - Closure Initializer

Released 2015-08-26

Allows a specified closure to be invoked when instances of UIGestureRecognizer are recognized.
