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Build Status Build Status CocoaPods

Generic observable array for RxSwift. When its content changes (elements are inserted, removed or updated) it emits events from events Observable.


Example usage:

import RxSwift
import DRRxObservableArray

var observableArray = ObservableArray(["a", "b", "c"])
let _ = { event in 
	switch event {
		case .inserted(let indices, let elements):
			print("Inserted elements: \(elements) at indices: \(indices)")
		case .deleted(let indices, let elements):
			print("Removed elements: \(elements) at indices: \(indices)")
		case .updated(let indices, let oldElements, let newElements):
			print("Replaced elements: \(oldElements) at indices: \(indices) with elements: \(newElements)")

// Inserted elements: ["d"] at indices: [3]

// Removed elements: ["d"] at indices: [3]

observableArray[1] = "B"
// Replaced elements: ["b"] at indices: [1] with elements: ["B"] 

Check out included unit tests for more examples.


You can integrate DRRxObservableArray with your project using CocoaPods. To do so, you will need to add following line to your Podfile:

pod 'DRRxObservableArray', '~> 1.0'

You can also download zip archive of given release from releases page.


The MIT License (MIT) - check out included LICENSE file