All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file




"Duality" between this method and func elementSize(at indexPath: IndexPath, type: String?) -> ElementSize? has caused some issues in normal usage in projects when overriding. We decided to keep a single method. This breaking change shouldn't have any impact on projects.

New stuff

Example: UILabel().with { $0.text = "hey!" }

As of today, using pod Boomerang/RxSwift in Podfile requires to import Boomerang only even for Rx extensions. SPM requires a double import (Boomerang + RxBoomerang). With this change we keep the two approaches in sync.

There's no real added value at the moment, as we're missing support for AppKit and WatchKit extensions like we have on UIKit. Support is added to simply allow complex projects to link Boomerang in sub-frameworks.
