Affirm iOS SDK Changelog

All notable changes to the SDK will be documented in this file.

Version 5.0.26 (April 21, 2023)

Version 5.0.25 (January 19, 2023)

Version 5.0.24 (October 17, 2022)

Version 5.0.23 (May 25, 2022)

Version 5.0.22 (November 23, 2021)

Version 5.0.21 (November 12, 2021)

Version 5.0.20 (October 12, 2021)

Version 5.0.19 (April 20, 2021)

Version 5.0.18 (January 12, 2021)

Version 5.0.17 (January 12, 2021)

Version 5.0.16 (December 1, 2020)

Version 5.0.15 (October 30, 2020)

Version 5.0.14 (October 27, 2020)

Version 5.0.13 (July 24, 2020)

Version 5.0.12 (May 29, 2020)

Version 5.0.11 (March 13, 2020)

Version 5.0.10 (February 21, 2020)

Version 5.0.9 (February 13, 2020)

Version 5.0.8 (November 12, 2019)

Version (Nov 7, 2019)

Version 5.0.6 (October 30, 2019)

Version 5.0.5 (September 27, 2019)

Version 5.0.4 (June 20, 2019)

Version 5.0.3 (May 29, 2019)

Version 5.0.2 (April 29, 2019)

Version 5.0.1 (April 19, 2019)


[[AffirmConfiguration sharedInstance] configureWithPublicKey:@"PUBLIC_API_KEY" environment:AffirmEnvironmentSandbox];
AffirmCheckoutViewController *checkoutVC = [AffirmCheckoutViewController startCheckout:checkout delegate:self];
- (void)checkout:(AffirmCheckoutViewController *)checkoutViewController didFailWithError:(NSError *)error;

Version 4.0.17 (Apr 16, 2019)

Version 4.0.16 (Feb 28, 2019)

Version 4.0.15 (Feb 14, 2019)

Version 4.0.14 (Jan 28, 2019)

Version 4.0.13 (Jan 3, 2019)

Version 4.0.12 (Dec 21, 2018)

Version 4.0.10 (May 30, 2018)

Version 4.0.9 (March 5, 2018)

Version 4.0.7 (February 23, 2018)

Version 4.0.6 (August 7, 2017)

Version 4.0.5 (August 7, 2017)

Version 4.0.4 (August 1, 2017)

Version 4.0.3 (July 17, 2017)

Version 4.0.2 (July 14, 2017)

Version 4.0.1 (July 12, 2017)

Version 4.0.0 (July 10, 2017)


[AffirmCheckoutViewController startCheckout:checkout checkoutType:AffirmCheckoutType delegate:self]; 


AffirmAsLowAsButton *alaButton = [AffirmAsLowAsButton createButtonWithPromoID:@"promo_id" presentingViewController:self frame:frame];
[self.view addSubview:alaButton];
[alaButton configureWithAmount:amount affirmLogoType:AffirmLogoTypeName 		affirmColor:AffirmColorTypeBlue maxFontSize:18 callback:^(BOOL alaEnabled, NSError *error) {
//alaEnabled specifies whether ALA text or a default message is being displayed
AffirmPromoModalViewController *promoVC = [AffirmPromoModalViewController promoModalControllerWithModalId:@"promo_id" amount:amount];
[self presentViewController:promoVC animated:YES completion:nil];

Version 3.0.0 (June 20, 2017)



    AffirmConfiguration *config = [AffirmConfiguration configurationWithPublicAPIKey:@"YOUR_API_KEY" environment:AffirmEnvironmentSandbox];
    [AffirmConfiguration setSharedConfiguration:config];