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Sonect Shop SDK for iOS

In this document we will go through the necessary steps to integrate Sonect Shop SDK in your iOS app.

Contact if additional info is needed.


Via dependency managers:

  • Cocoapods: pod 'sonect-shop-sdk-ios' Installation guide
  • Carthage: github "sonect/sonect-shop-sdk-ios"
  • Manual

Sonect Shop SDK is written from ground up in Objective - C, and doesn’t have any external dependencies, so that it plays well with older code bases.

Minimum version: iOS 9.0+

The main entry point to the SDK is SNCSonectShop object. To present the Sonect view controller, you have to obtain the SDK token, the user ID and the signature, which must be calculated on your bank's serverside for security reasons.

Simple SDK Integration


//Some of the credentials can be aquired from Sonect panel, others are merchant specific
let credentials = SNCShopCredentials(sdkToken: _SHOP_SDK_TOKEN_, merchantId:_YOUR_MERCHANT_ID_, signature:_PARTNER_SIGNATURE_,  deviceId:_YOUR_DEVICE_ID_)

//Create configuration using SonectShopConfiguration.plist, alternatively use SNCShopConfiguration(contentsOfFile:):
let configuration = SNCShopConfiguration.default()

//In order to scan the barcodes, you need to set your preferred scanning plugin, or implement your own
let scanPlugin = MyScanCodePlugin()
SNCSonectShop.scanCodePlugin = scanPlugin

//In order to check user's KYC, use a Idenfy KYC plugin or implement your own.  
let kycPlugin = MyKycProviderPlugin()
SNCSonectShop.kycProviderPlugin = kycPlugin

//In order to add address autocompletion use Google Autocompletion, or implement your own.
let addressAutocompletionPlugin = MyAddressAutocompletionPlugin()
SNCSonectShop.addressAutocompletionPlugin = addressAutocompletionPlugin

//Present the shop interface on top of your app. 
SNCSonectShop.present(with: credentials, configuration: configuration, presenting: viewController)


SNCShopCredentials *credentials = [[SNCShopCredentials alloc] initWithSdkToken:_SHOP_SDK_TOKEN_

//Create a SonectShopConfiguration.plist, alternatively use initWithContentsOfFile:
SNCShopConfiguration *configuration = [SNCShopConfiguration defaultConfiguration];

//In order to scan the barcodes, you need to set your preferred scanning plugin, or implement your own. 
id <SNCScanCodePlugin> scanPlugin = [MyScanCodePlugin new];
SNCSonectShop.scanCodePlugin = scanPlugin;

//In order to check user's KYC, use a Idenfy KYC plugin or implement your own.  
id <SNCKycProviderPlugin> kycPlugin = [MyKycProviderPlugin new];
SNCSonectShop.kycProviderPlugin = kycPlugin;

//In order to add address autocompletion use Google Autocompletion, or implemnent your own.
id <SNCAddressAutocompletionPlugin> plugin = [MyAddressAutocompletionPlugin new];
SNCSonectShop.addressAutocompletionPlugin = plugin;

//Present the shop interface on top of your app. 
[SNCSonectShop presentWithCredentials:credentials

Barcode scanning

The Sonect Shop SDK allows you to use your barcode scanning SDK, by implementing a simple SNCScanCodePlugin protocol, and plugging it in the Sonect Shop SDK.


let scanPlugin = MyScanCodePlugin()
SNCSonectShop.scanCodePlugin = scanPlugin


id <SNCScanCodePlugin> scanPlugin = [MyScanCodePlugin new];
SNCSonectShop.scanCodePlugin = scanPlugin;

Optimally, for best barcode and QR code scanning experience, Sonect has partnered with Scandit, so you can also use the Scandit Plugin. Sonect will provide additional details for integration.

KYC Check

The Sonect Shop SDK allows you to use Idenfy as the KYC check provider. Integrate the Idenfy KYC Plugin as described in the repository README page to get the benefits of Idenfy scanning. Sonect will provide additional details for integration.

Address Autocompletion

With Sonect Shop SDK allows you can use Google autocompletion as the default address autocompletion plugin. Integrate the Sonect Google Address Autocompletion Plugin as described in the repository README page. If your company does not allow the usage of Google API-s you can roll your own autocomplete solution by implementing the SNCAddressAutocompletionPlugin protocol, and assigning it to the Sonect Shop SDK like so


let addressAutocompletionPlugin = MyAddressAutocompletionPlugin()
SNCSonectShop.addressAutocompletionPlugin = addressAutocompletionPlugin


id <SNCAddressAutocompletionPlugin> plugin = [MyAddressAutocompletionPlugin new];
SNCSonectShop.addressAutocompletionPlugin = plugin;

Configuration file

In order to configure the SDK, create a SonectShopConfiguration.plist file, and fill out the mandatory fields. You can load the configuration by using the SNCShopConfiguration object. A sample plist file might look like this, for more info consult the SNCShopConfiguration interface documentation.

Sample SonectShopConfiguration.plist values:


Passing arbitrary shop attributes

If you need to pass arbitrary shop attributes i.e. a VAT number, then you can use Shop Attributes structure to do so.


let configuration = ... //YOUR_CONFIGURATION
var attributes = SNCShopAttributes()
attributes = attributes.addingData({"VAT":"123456789"})
configuration.shopAttributes = attributes


SNCShopConfiguration *configuration = ... //YOUR_CONFIGURATION
SNCShopAttributes *attributes = [SNCShopAttributes attributesByAddingData: @{ @"VAT": @"123456789"}];
configuration.shopAttributes = attributes;


If you have set up event handler, for example:

SNCSonectShop.eventHandler = MySonectShopEventHandler()

In the following method:

func sonectShop(_ shop: SNCSonectShop, handleEvent event: String, withParameters parameters: [AnyHashable : Any]?) {

your event handler class will receive events when certain actions happen in Sonect Shop SDK.

Event shop_terms_and_condition_signed is send when user agrees to Terms and Conditions and taps "Continue" button on following screen:


Note: This screen could be disabled by your partner configuration on our admin panel, which would result in this event not firing.

Event shop_onboarding_completed is send when user has completed onboarding process and is presented with this screen:



Sonect SDK supports theming colors and fonts to allow you to customize the SDK, so that it looks and feels right when embedded in your app. To apply a theme, you need to create a new SNCTheme object and apply a theme like in the following example.


let theme = SNCTheme()
theme.type = .dark
theme.fontName = "Arial"
theme.boldFontName = "Arial-Bold"
theme.detailColor1 = .yellow
theme.detailColor2 = .yellow
theme.detailColor3 = .yellow
theme.detailColor4 = .yellow
theme.detailColor5 = .yellow
theme.navigationBarTintColor = .yellow
theme.navigationBarTitleImage = UIImage(named: "rba")
theme.selectedAmountColors = [theme1.detailColor1!, theme1.detailColor2!, theme1.detailColor3!, theme1.detailColor4!]


SNCTheme *theme = [SNCTheme new];
theme.type = SNCThemeTypeLight;
theme.fontName = "Futura-Medium";
theme.boldFontName = "Futura-CondensedExtraBold";
theme.detailColor1 = UIColor.yellowColor;
theme.detailColor2 = UIColor.yellowColor;
theme.detailColor3 = UIColor.yellowColor;
theme.detailColor4 = UIColor.yellowColor;
theme.detailColor5 = UIColor.yellowColor;
theme.navigationBarTintColor = UIColor.yellowColor;
theme.navigationBarTitleImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"rba"];
[theme set];