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Task Analytics

Task Analytics iOS SDK

Version License Platform


An example project is included. Clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory. Then, open TaskAnalytics.xcworkspace and run the project.



TaskAnalytics is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'TaskAnalytics', '1.0.0'


To start using the SDK, you need to have an ID provided by Task Analytics.

Then, import the Task Analytics framework in your UIApplicationDelegate subclass:

@import TaskAnalytics;

Configure the Task Analytics shared instance, typically in your application's application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method:

[TaskAnalytics.sharedInstance setupWithID:YOUR_TASK_ANALYTICS_ID];


Placements of buttons

The placements of buttons should be done at least once, preferably during setup. It is also possible to move the buttons later.

Consent button

Consent button placement

The consent button spans the full width of the screen. It can be placed in a vertical distance from the top or bottom edge.

[TaskAnalytics.sharedInstance setConsentButtonVerticalDistance:(float)verticalDistance fromEdge:(TAEdge)edge];

If you run this method after the consent button is displayed, it will animate into the new position. This way, can you move it if it obstructs important content in your app.

When the user clicks on the consent button, a full screen modal view will be displayed where the user is asked to accept or decline the use of Task Analytics. The user can close the modal view without answering. In that case, the consent button remains in place.

Launcher button

Launcher button placement

The launcher button is a round button showing your avatar. It can be placed a certain number of points on the horizontal and vertical distance from one of the four screen corners.

If you run this method after the consent button is displayed, it will animate into the new position. This way, can you move it if it obstructs important content in your app.

[TaskAnalytics.sharedInstance setLauncherButtonHorizontalDistance:(float)horizontalDistance verticalDistance:(float)verticalDistance fromCorner:(TACorner)corner];

When the user clicks on the launcher button, a full screen modal view will be displayed where the user continues answering questions about their usage of your app. The user can close the modal view without answering. In that case, the launcher button remains in place.


When you're ready to show Task Analytics, run

[TaskAnalytics.sharedInstance show];

Whether or not the Task Analytics will be displayed will be determined by the server.


If you have views in your app where you don't want to show Task Analytics, you can hide it using:

[TaskAnalytics.sharedInstance hide];

Reset all settings when testing

When testing the SDK, you might run in to Wait to collect again when running setup since Task Analytics waits a certain amount of time after the user has completed or declined a survey. Thus, for debug and testing purposes, you might want to reset all settings.

[TaskAnalytics.sharedInstance reset];


There are severall call backs available through TaskAnalyticsDelegate. These will typically be used if you want to integrate Task Analytics with your own analytics tools, or if you need to debug.

  • consentButtonPressed
  • closeButtonPressed
  • launcherButtonPressed
  • consentAccepted
  • consentDeclined
  • captureFinished
  • captureDestroyed
  • setupFailedWithError:(NSError*)error

Local push notifications

If the user does not finish answering the capture form, a local push notification can be triggered, nudging the user to complete. This can either be done by setting Task Analytics to be the UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate

UNUserNotificationCenter.currentNotificationCenter.delegate = TaskAnalytics.sharedInstance;

or, by forwarding the notification response to Task Analytics:

- (void)userNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center didReceiveNotificationResponse:(UNNotificationResponse *)response withCompletionHandler:(void (^)(void))completionHandler{

    [TaskAnalytics.sharedInstance didReceiveNotificationResponse:response];


Task Analytics,


TaskAnalytics is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.