SwiftDialogController 1.1.3

SwiftDialogController 1.1.3

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License Custom
ReleasedLast Release May 2017
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Hai Pham.

  • By
  • Hai Pham

UIViewController that can be presented on top of another UIViewController, with behaviors similar to Android's DialogFragment.


UIView instances that will be added as the main dialog view should implement one of these three preset protocols:


Represents a UIView that has top/bottom and left/right margins relative to its parent UIView. Once a UIView implements this protocol, it will have to declare longSidePadding and shortSidePadding. As the name suggests, the distinction between long and short sides depends on the app's orientation; e.g. if the app is in portrait mode, the long side will be its height, and the long-side NSLayoutAttribute will be top and bottom.


Similar to PaddingDialogViewType, but instead of concrete margins, we use a multiplier to anchor the dialog UIView to its parent UIView. UIView that implements this protocol must declare longSideRatio and shortSideRatio, so that in portrait mode, the long side will be the device's height and the short side its width (vice versa for landscape).


A mix of the above protocols, with longSideRatio and shortSidePadding, since this combination is the most sensible.


If we want to customize how a UIView is added to the UIDialogController's main view, we need to implement DialogViewType (the base protocol that all the above protocols inherit from) and ViewBuilderType - to provide constraints for the view building process.