SFJSON 1.0.0

SFJSON 1.0.0

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jan 2017
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Simon Germain.

SFJSON 1.0.0

  • By
  • Simon Germain

Parse JSON using paths!

This sucks

do {
    let jsonData = try Data(contentsOfURL: URL(string: url)!)
    let json = try JSONSerialization.JSONObject(jsonData, options: [])

    if let json = jsonOptional as? [String: Any] {
        if let other = json["other"] as? [String: Any] {
            if let nicknames = other["nicknames"] as? [String] {
                if let handle = nicknames[0] as? String {
                    print("Some folks call me \(handle)")
catch {
    print("Dangit, what happened here? \(error.localizedDescription)")

This rocks

do {
    let jsonData = try Data(contentsOfURL: URL(string: url)!)
    let parser = try JSONParser(data: jsonData)

    if let handle = try parser.getString("other.nicknames[0]") {
        print("Some folks call me \(handle)")
catch {
    print("Dangit! Another error! \(error.localizedDescription)")

Your JSON is already parsed? No problem!

let parser = JSONParser(dictionary: existingDictionary)

if let handle = try parser.getString("other.nicknames[0]") {
    print("Some folks like to call me \(handle)")


Sample JSON payload we want to parse

    "name": "Mike",
    "favorite_number": 19,
    "gpa": 2.6,
    "favorite_things": ["Github", 42, 98.6],
    "other": {
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "commit_count": 9000,
        "nicknames": ["mrap", "Mikee"]

Get values of a specific type. Returns optionals

if let name = try parser.getString("name") {
    print("My name is \(name)")

if let number = try parser.getInt("favorite_number") {
    print("\(number) is my favorite number!")

if let gpa = try parser.getDouble("gpa") {
    print("My stellar highschool gpa was \(gpa)")

Or get Any if you’re not sure

if let city = parser.get("other.city") {
    // city will be type Any

Get an Array of values

if let favorites = parser.getArray("favorite_things") {
    // favorites => ["Github", 42, 98.6]

Error Handling

Using the new Swift try/catch blocks, handling errors has never been easier!

do {
    let badJsonData = try Data(contentsOfURL: URL(string: url)!)
    let parser = try JSONParser(data: badJsonData)
    // Everything was fine past this point! Rock on!!
catch {
    // Dangit! One more error... *sigh*
    print("Some error happened! Fix it! Here it is: \(error.localizedDescription)")


The best way to use SFJSON is to use CocoaPods

  1. Open your Podfile and add pod 'SFJSON' under your target section.
  2. Make sure that use_frameworks! is present.
  3. Run pod install to have Cocoapods download the pod and install it in your project.
  4. Make sure you compile your project once after installing the pod for the project to have a reference to SFJSON
  5. Add import SFJSON to your Swift class and start using SFJSON!


This framework is not my original idea. The original idea belongs to Mike Rapadas (https://github.com/mrap), which I would like to thank very much. His framework is sensibly the same as this, except his was written using the first version of Swift. I simply refreshed it and adapted it for Swift 3, which is much more current.