PureForm 0.0.2

PureForm 0.0.2

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2016

Maintained by Pavel.

PureForm 0.0.2

  • By
  • Pavel Puzyrev

PureForm — the easiest way to build form such as login, questionnaire and etc. screens from JSON file. PureForm provides parsing properties and special params into objects for further manipulation of them.



Download the source files from the PureForm subdirectory. Then just add source files to your Xcode project and import the PureLayout.h header.


PureForm is clean and pretty easy to use in several steps:

  1. Describe your form in a JSON file using JSON Rules paragraph below;
  2. Create settings via PFSettings using Settings paragraph below:

    PFSettings *settings = [[PFSettings alloc] init];
    settings.keyboardTypeValidation = YES;
    settings.formDelegate = self;
    settings.tableViewDelegate = self;
    // etc.
  3. Create a PFFormController instance with a UITableView and settings which were created at the previous step:

    self.formController = [[PFFormController alloc] initWithTableView:self.tableView settings:settings];
  4. Just use a makeFormWithJSONFile: method to create and display your form from the JSON file from the first step:

    [self.formController makeFormWithJSONFile:@"form"];
  5. That's it!


The settings header is fully documented. There are main params here you can set:

  • keyboardTypeValidation
  • failureReasons
  • cellHeight

As well as delegates for UIKit controls:

  • PFFormDelegate
  • UITableViewDelegate
  • UITextFieldDelegate
  • PFSegmentedControlDelegate
  • PFSwitchControlDelegate
  • PFSliderControlDelegate
  • PFStepperControlDelegate

JSON Rules

Describe your custom cell in JSON just using property names and values for them. Of course, reserved words and special chars are used too. You can find reserved words and special chars in a constants header.


  • Pairs of class cell name or cell identifier and reserved words are segregated by < and >.
  • The base structure for 2 cells looks like (pay attention on levels):

    [                                               /// 0 level
      "<cell_class_name + cell_identifier>": {   // First cell
        property_name_1: {                       /// 1 level
          in_property_name_1.1: value,           /// 2 level
          in_property_name_1.2: value
        property_name_2: {
          in_property_name_2.1: value
      "<cell_class_name + cell_identifier>": {    // Second cell
      // Setup
    // etc.

    Note that JSON parsing supports only 2 levels of nesting yet.

  • If a cell class name or a cell identifier equals to the previous one, you can simplify it using = like that:

      "<= + =>": {                                    // Any cell
      // Setup
  • Usage of reserved words and special chars:

    Reserved word Level Value
    <section> 0 index of section
    <value> 1 current value
    <key> 1 save key for output dictionary
    <validators> 1 array of validators
    <display> 1 property name to display value after change

    All reserved words and special chars are optional.

    Char Usage in Example Description
    ? property name textField? Shows that it's a form for validation — not just a view
    ! validator name min_value! Starts validation immediately after value change
    * property name text* Shows that this value is a key for NSLocalizedString macros
    # value ic_turtle#6F3F83 or #6F3F83 Uses as it is or for hex coloring image by their name
  • Available validator keys for <validators>:

    Validator Value
    equal string or number
    equal_next true
    equal_previous true
    equal_length number
    min_length number
    max_length number
    min_value number
    max_value number
    required true
    type email or full_name
    custom regex string

    Validators are used in 2 level and they should be nested into <validators>.

  • Enums are just numeric values in JSON. By the way there are some enums which are associated with string values:

    • UIKeyboardType
    • UITextAutocapitalizationType
    • UITextAutocorrectionType
    • UITextSpellCheckingType
    • UIKeyboardAppearance
    • UIReturnKeyType
    • UITextFieldViewMode


  • Well, how it looks in a real example:

      "<TextFieldCell + TextFieldCellIdentifier>": {
        "textField?": {
          "placeholder": "Huh, centered?",
          "textAlignment": 1

  • Now let's make a login form with validators:

      "<TextFieldCell + TextFieldCellIdentifier>": {
        "textField?": {
          "placeholder": "Login",
          "textAlignment": 1,
          "keyboardType": "UIKeyboardTypeEmailAddress",
          "<key>": "login",
          "<validators>": {
            "type": "email"
      "<= + =>": {
        "textField?": {
          "placeholder": "Password",
          "textAlignment": 1,
          "secureTextEntry": true,
          "<key>": "password",
          "<validators>": {
            "min_length!": 6,
            "max_length!": 25
    "<section>": 1
      "<ButtonCell + ButtonCellIdentifier>": {
        "titleLabel": {
          "text": "Login",
          "textColor": "#6F3F83"

  • It remains only to validate entered values and save they into the dictionary. Credentials from left form satisfies the validators and [self.formController validate] will return YES:

    if ([self.formController validate]) {
    NSDictionary *loginInfo = [self.formController allKeyValuePairs];
    // Send it to server


  • Example project files will open properly only in Xcode 8;
  • There is no autoscroll to the active field in the example project.


  • [ ] Remove limit of nesting
  • [ ] Keyboard avoiding