
2.2.0 Release notes (1/9/2019)

This will likely be the last version of the library to support iOS 9 and 10. Please see the issue about DeckTransition 3.0 for more information.

2.1.0 Release notes (17/9/2018)

2.0.0 Release notes (8/12/2017)

DeckTransition is now at version 2.0! 🎉

This is a major API upgrade. The previous API which required UIScrollViewDelegate conformance has been entirely removed, and is replaced by an automatic UIScrollView detection mechanism.

API Breaking Changes

Other Changes

1.4.2 Release notes (12/11/2017)

1.4.1 Release notes (9/11/2017)

1.4.0 Release notes (21/10/2017)

1.3.4 Release notes (13/10/2017)

1.3.3 Release notes (11/10/2017)

This is the last version of this framework to support Swift 3.x. Further development will be done on Swift 4.x

1.3.2 Release notes (1/10/2017)

1.3.1 Release notes (26/9/2017)

1.3.0 Release notes (22/9/2017)

1.2.0 Release notes (17/9/2017)

Rounded corners are now manually rendered without using a mask

1.1.0 Release notes (15/9/2017)

Adds support for iPhone X

1.0.4 Release notes (10/9/2017)

Fixed an issue where touches to the presentedView’s subview touches would be cancelled

1.0.3 Release notes (5/9/2017)

Fixed an issue caused when the presented view controller presented and then dismissed a view controller

1.0.2 Release notes (25/8/2017)

Fixes an issue with Xcode 9’s new build system

1.0.1 Release notes (5/8/2017)

Fixes an exception caused by KVO observers never being removed

1.0.0 Release notes (5/8/2017)

DeckTransition is finally at 1.0! 🎉 Here’s a summary of all the changes in this version

One small change needs to be implemented in pre-1.0 projects to maintain compatibility with this version of DeckTransition. The entirety of the change consists of replacing the following line of code in your modal view controller’s UIScrollViewDelegate implementation

scrollView.transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: 0, y: scrollView.contentOffset.y)

with the block that follows below:

scrollView.subviews.forEach {
    $0.transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: 0, y: scrollView.contentOffset.y)

The implementation example in the ReadMe has been updated to reflect this.

0.4.0 Release notes (2/8/2017)

API Breaking Changes

Other Changes

0.3.0 Release notes (14/5/2017)

0.2.0 Release notes (5/3/2017)

0.1.2 Release notes (27/2/2017)

0.1.1 Release notes (2/12/2016)

0.1.0 Release notes (18/10/2016)