CustomBrowserKit 1.0

CustomBrowserKit 1.0

Maintained by ky1vstar.

  • By
  • ky1vstar


CI Status Version License Platform

CustomBrowserKit is a library designed to provide ability to open links in browser besides Safari to your awesome app's users. It is written in Objective-C and extended with Swift.

Supported browsers

CustomBrowserKit currently supports:


  • Xcode 8.0+
  • iOS 8.0+
  • Swift 3.1+


CustomBrowserKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'CustomBrowserKit'

Also, starting with iOS 9.0 you must declare the URL schemes of external apps you want to launch. There are only two available browsers you can use without declaring appropriate URL schemes: BKBrowserInAppSafari and BKBrowserSafari. So if you want to use another browsers you must add the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes key to your app's Info.plist file. You are not required to add all of this schemes below, only those you want to let your users to use. But it is important to add BOTH schemes for browsers which have two of them. For example if you want to use Google Chrome, you have to declare both googlechrome and googlechromes URL schemes.

Browser URL Schemes
Google Chrome googlechrome
Firefox firefox
Opera opera
UC Browser ucbrowser
Puffin Web Browser puffin
Yandex Browser yandexbrowser-open-url


Make sure to import the framework header: #import <CustomBrowserKit/CustomBrowserKit.h> for Objective-C or import CustomBrowserKit for Swift.

Obtaining information about browser


BKBrowser browser = BKBrowserFirefox;
NSString *browserName = BKBrowserGetName(browser); // @"Firefox"
UIImage *browserLogo = BKBrowserGetThumbnail(browser); // UIImage of size 100x100


let browser = BKBrowser.firefox
let browserName = // "Firefox"
let browserLogo = browser.thumbnail // UIImage of size 100x100

Obtaining list of available browsers


for (NSNumber *wrappedBrowser in BKManager.availableBrowsers) {
BKBrowser browser = (BKBrowser)wrappedBrowser.intValue;
NSLog(@"%@ is available", BKBrowserGetName(browser));


for browser in BKManager.availableBrowsers {
print("\( is available")

Opening links in specific browser


NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];

if ([BKManager openURL:url withBrowser:BKBrowserOpera]) {
NSLog(@"did open url successfully");
} else {
NSLog(@"did fail to open url");


let url = URL(string: "")!

if, with: .opera) {
print("did open url successfully")
} else {
print("did fail to open url")

Opening links in specific browser with fallback to another browser if needed


NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];

// BKManager will try to open URL in Opera. If Opera Mini turns out to not be installed or available, BKManager will try to open URL in Google Chrome.
if ([BKManager openURL:url withBrowser:BKBrowserOpera fallbackToBrowser:BKBrowserChrome]) {
NSLog(@"did open url successfully");
} else { // if both Opera Mini and Google Chrome are not available
NSLog(@"did fail to open url");


let url = URL(string: "")!

// BKManager will try to open URL in Opera. If Opera Mini turns out to not be installed or available, BKManager will try to open URL in Google Chrome.
if, with: .opera, fallbackTo: .chrome) {
print("did open url successfully")
} else { // if both Opera Mini and Google Chrome are not available
print("did fail to open url")

Saving BKBrowser to NSUserDefaults


BKBrowser browser = BKBrowserUCBrowser;
NSUserDefaults *userDefaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults;

// saving
[userDefaults setObject:BKBrowserGetIdentifier(browser) forKey:@"savedBrowser"];

// restoring
NSString *browserIdentifier = [userDefaults stringForKey:@"savedBrowser"];
BKBrowser savedBrowser;
if (browserIdentifier) {
savedBrowser = BKBrowserFromIdentifier(browserIdentifier);
} else {
savedBrowser = BKBrowserInAppSafari;


let browser = BKBrowser.ucBrowser
let userDefault = UserDefaults.standard

// saving
userDefault.set(browser.identifier, forKey: "savedBrowser")

// restoring
let savedBrowser: BKBrowser
if let browserIdentifier = userDefault.string(forKey: savedBrowser) {
savedBrowser = BKBrowser(identifier: browserIdentifier)
} else {
savedBrowser = .inAppSafari


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Example project includes both Objective-C and Swift versions.


CustomBrowserKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.