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Your device may connect to a wireless AP via Wi-Fi but the AP's cable is unplugged, or it may connect to a base station but your service provider stop working for some reasons. What's the easiest way to know current network status? CHTReachability tries to detect REAL network reachability for you.


  • Easy to use.
  • Highly customizable.


  • ARC
  • iOS 8+

How it works

It uses Apple's Reachability and SimplePing sample codes to do the real works.

  1. First it uses Reachability to check network reachability.
  2. When network status is Reachable then it uses SimplePing to ping specified host.
  3. The status changes from Reachable to Online if it receives packet.

How to install


You can use CocoaPods to install CHTReachability by adding it to your Podfile:

platform :ios, '8.0'
# If you're using Swift, remember to `use_frameworks!`
pod 'CHTReachability'

To get the full benefits import CHTReachability wherever you import UIKit

import UIKit
import CHTReachability
#import <CHTReachability/CHTReachability.h>


  1. Copy CHTReachability.h/m to your project.
  2. Copy Vender folder to your project.
  3. Add SystemConfiguration.framework.

How to Use

Check the demo codes and CHTReachability.h header file for more information.

- (void)viewDidLoad {
  [super viewDidLoad];
  self.reach = [[CHTReachability alloc] initWithHostName:CHTReachabilityDefaultPingHostName delegate:self];

#pragma mark - <CHTReachabilityDelegate>
- (void)reachability:(CHTReachability *)reachability didChangeToStatus:(CHTReachabilityStatus)status {
  NSLog(@"Status = %@", @(status));


CHTReachability is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Refer to the releases page.