Change Log

3.2.0 (2020-01-19)

3.1 (2018-12-24)

3.0 (2017-09-11)

New Features

⚠️ Breaking changes ⚠️

API changes for pinning

func pinToSuperview(_ edges: [EdgeAnchor], relation: NSLayoutRelation, activate: Bool) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]

func pinToSuperview(_ edges: [EdgeAnchor], relation: NSLayoutRelation, isActive: Bool) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]

func pin(toView view: UIView, edges: [EdgeAnchor], relation: NSLayoutRelation, activate: Bool) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]

func pin(to view: UIView, edges: [EdgeAnchor], relation: NSLayoutRelation, isActive: Bool) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]

func pin(edge: EdgeAnchor, toEdge: EdgeAnchor, ofView view: UIView, relation: NSLayoutRelation, constant: CGFloat, priority: UILayoutPriority, activate: Bool) -> NSLayoutConstraint

func pin(edge: EdgeAnchor, toEdge: EdgeAnchor, of view: UIView, relation: NSLayoutRelation = .equal, constant: CGFloat, priority: UILayoutPriority, isActive: Bool) -> NSLayoutConstraint

func set(size sizeAnchor: SizeAnchor, relation: NSLayoutRelation, activate: Bool) -> NSLayoutConstraint

func set(size sizeAnchor: SizeAnchor, relation: NSLayoutRelation, isActive: Bool) -> NSLayoutConstraint

func set(size sizeAnchors: [SizeAnchor] = [ SizeAnchor.width, SizeAnchor.height ], relation: NSLayoutRelation, activate: Bool) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]

func set(size sizeAnchors: [SizeAnchor] = [ SizeAnchor.width, SizeAnchor.height ], relation: NSLayoutRelation, isActive: Bool) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]

func set(relativeSize sizeAnchor: SizeAnchor, toSizeAnchor: SizeAnchor, ofView view: UIView, multiplier: CGFloat, constant: CGFloat, relation: NSLayoutRelation, activate: Bool) -> NSLayoutConstraint

func set(relativeSize sizeAnchor: SizeAnchor, toSizeAnchor: SizeAnchor, ofAnchorable anchorable: Anchorable, multiplier: CGFloat, constant: CGFloat, relation: NSLayoutRelation, isActive: Bool)

2.0 (2016-12-03)

This release is a completely breaking change to the API.

1.2.1 (2016-10-04)

1.2 (2016-10-04)

This version supports Swift 3, but not 2.2 or 2.3.

1.1.2 (2016-07-16)

This version supports Swift 2.2 and 2.3, but not 3.

- Removing an unused variable. ¯\(ツ)

1.1.1 (2016-07-06)

1.1 (2016-06-24)

1.0.1 (2016-06-03)

Adding support for NSLayoutRelations, .Equal, .GreaterThanOrEqual, and .LessThanOrEqual.

1.0 (2016-05-26)